Wednesday 12 January 2011

Les Conventions Françaises #2

- NB: This post is essentially just a rant. -

So, apparently, another French convention within the scope of taking exams is to have a completely useless and rubbish system in place.So rubbish and useless that I have managed to miss two of my exams and turn up three hours early for another. I know I'm not renowned for being the most astute person ever and have been known to make some silly mistakes, however, these weren't (entirely) my fault, in fact, I attribute most of the blame to the crap French exam system.

Examen 1: Raté

Weeks and weeks before I even knew the date of this exam, I had booked a weekend trip to Barcelona with a friend. Imagine my horror when my lecturer gave us the date of the exam and I realised that I wouldn't actually be in the country on that date. My fault though, right? Well, imagine my horror when I decided not to go to the class the next week as I knew they would be correcting the exam, and found out from a girl in my class that it had been moved to that week instead... Still my fault isn't it?

Examen 2: Trois heures trop tôt

The teacher had confirmed that the exam would be at 13.30, first Wednesday back, same room. So when a friend sent me a link to the exam planning for that department, I asked myself why the website would explicitly state that the exam was going take place at 10.30 in a completely different room? Unfortunately, I wasn't chez moi that evening, so in the morning I hot-footed it over to the campus with no pens, paper or a dictionary, met my friends to go to the exam, only to find that it wasn't taking place then. It was in fact at 13.30, in the room we had originally thought it to be.

Examen 3: Raté

Well, all I did this time was simply check the website and note down the time: Jeudi 13 Janvier 16.30. Then I got a text on Monday from a friend doing the same course but a different subject within the course, asking if I had the exam and if so, to come and sit near her when I got there. Strange, I thought, as I was actually on my way to a different exam. I assured myself that hers was probably at a different time as it was a different subject, but I emailed my tutor just in case. It did take place when my friend text me, when I was doing another exam. I find this ridiculous as both subjects are from the same department and thus are bound to have students who must sit both, so why were they on at the same time?



  1. Only you could make such a mess of things! Although admittedly it wasn't completely your fault for once... but still!

  2. It wasn't my fault...entirely!
