Sunday 16 January 2011

Blinded by the Light

As far as crazy nights out in Paris go, Friday night at Duplex wasn't particularly remarkable until we left. The initial worry of would we/wouldn't we get in was dispelled when my flat-mate and I were looked up and down by a bouncer and deemed acceptable enough to go on in. The club was pretty good except for the severe lack of investment in any air conditioning system. The music was fun and the men sleazy, of course. I don't really see the reason for the apparent exclusivity, apart from the fact that it is on the road opposite the Champs Elysées. The night was good but was made great by the people I went with.

We left the venue feeling giddy with excitement at stealing a guy's woolly hat and taking loads of photos with it, finding my flat-mate's incredibly cute future husband and the juxtaposition of such a snobby club playing 'Cotton Eye Joe.' Amidst the giddiness, I, rather immaturely, decided to take a photo of the road we were on: 'Avenue de Foch,' please forgive my idiocy - I'd had a few drinks.

Aparrently, I was to be punished for being so silly as I unwittingly captured two men standing underneath the sign; big mistake. One of the men stormed over to me and demanded: "T'as pris une photo?" To which I replied: "Err...oui." And suddenly he shouted: "Non! Tu ne prends pas une photo!" Proceeded to whack my camera out of my hand causing the batteries to fly out, and then grab it from the floor and storm off with it.

Luckily, a different drunk guy came to the rescue; he actually ran after him and managed to get my camera back, unharmed. Then he tried to explain in broken English that the guy didn't want me to take any pictures of the club... Fine, apart from the fact that the club was behind me when I was taking the photo.

He must have become incensed after being exposed to the camera's bright flash, kind of like how Gremlins have an aversion to sunlight/bright lights. The moral of the story is: grow up and stop finding words that sound like swear-words funny. Here is the incriminating photo. (He is the guy all in black.)

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