Monday 10 January 2011

French Pulling Tips #1

Take your cat on the metro

Yes, I actually saw a woman with a cat on the metro yesterday, and not in one of those carriers that you use to take them to the vets. No, it had a harness and a lead on. Which all may seem rather innocent, but when kitty's owner sits in the seat right next to cute French guy and kitty takes a shine to him, it becomes not so innocent.

The kitty (which was so cute by the way!) made friends with the man by purring round him and wandering onto his lap, thus commanding his full attention. He made silly cutesy noises to the kitty and got chatting to the owner. I couldn't believe it! She's lucky he was so understanding, I can't imagine that many people would be enamoured with someone else's cat walking all over them whilst they're trying to maintain their best I'm-pissed-off-because-I'm-on-the-métro face?

Alas, her pulling technique failed as he descended the metro and left her and her kitty without his number. Kitty proceeded to do a cat walk (ha!) and paraded up and down by the seats. Presumably attempting to attract a mate, although whether it was for the cat itself or its owner, I'm not sure. I think I would advise against this method as she was probably pretty lucky to find someone who didn't mind putting their book down for a few minutes to coo over her cat, and not get annoyed at leaving the metro with cat hairs all over his best work trousers.

[As I don't have a picture of le chat dans le métro, here is a photo I took of a cat in another inappropriate place - a bakery window, atop the baguettes.]

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