Thursday 23 December 2010

J'ai fait une grosse connerie...

One freezing Saturday, a couple of weeks ago, my flatmate and I found ourselves at the SQY-Ouest centre commercial in St Quentin-en-Yvelines.

It is approximately 50 minutes west of central Paris by the delightful RER C. So, what made me make such a journey, you ask? The answer is: a dress. A rather pretty dress, but just a dress nonetheless. This is where the 'grosse connerie' comes in.

Quite a while ago I placed an order with Zara's online store. Being the cheapskate that I am, I opted for 'in store delivery' which is free. When I entered my postcode, the website gave me a list of three shops to send my item to. I recognised two and, out of curiosity, searched the street address of the third. Google maps showed the shop as being a mere few streets away from my home, so thinking I was being clever, I chose that one. I thought nothing of it until Zara sent me an email kindly informing me that my order was in a store with the postcode 78180. As it didn't begin with 750 (meaning it wasn't in central Paris), I googled it and found out it was at the end of the RER C line, 50 minutes to the west of Paris.

I ended up paying €10 train fare (more than three times the delivery fee!), making a 50 minute journey, and almost freezing to death waiting for the RER. The moral of this story: always pay the three euro delivery fee!

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