Monday 3 January 2011

Paris Checklist

Apart from a little scrappy bit of paper sellotaped to my wall, I haven't made a comprehensive list of places to go and things to do in Paris. Despite this, I have actually managed to tick some things off said scrap. So, here is my comprehensive list of things I am yet to see or do.

La Culture

1. Musée d'Orsay - It's scandalous that I haven't been yet.
2. Centre Pompidou - See above.
3. Institut du Monde Arabe - I actually did attempt this one, but I went on a Monday, when it is - of which I was unaware - closed to the public.
4. Promenade Plantée
5. Archives Nationales
6. Sainte-Chapelle
7. Eglise St. Eustache
8. Cimitière de Montmartre
9. Les Catacombes
10. Tour Montparnasse
11. Versailles
13. Palais Royal
14. Museum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle
15. Maison de Victor Hugo
16. Musée du Quai Branly
17. Cimitière du Montparnasse

1. Le Pestacle de Maëlou
2. Hi Panda

La Nourriture

1. The café in the first episode of season 4 Gossip Girl. May need to find out which one it is before I attempt to go.
2. Angelina's - for their allegedly amazing hot chocolate.
3. Baccarat - also inspired by Gossip Girl. This one probably won't happen, but one can dream, non?
4. Breakfast In America
6. The (elusive) British food shop

Pour prendre une verre (ou deux)

1. Planète Mars
2. La Fleche d'Or
3. Pop In
4. L'International
5. Le Tigre

(Merci Indie Travel Guide)

.And go to a gig. This list is not exhaustive; I think of something else I want to do here all the time. So, I will try my best to remember to add to the list and cross off as is appropriate. I'm also interested to see which category gets completed first...

1 comment:

  1. No idea what most of those places are but you can drag me along to see some of them soon! Any of them except the Gossip Girl ones - unless Miss Momsen happens to be bumming around there, of course.
