Wednesday 8 December 2010

A Few Days in Barcelona

On Monday (technically Tuesday when we landed), I returned to Paris after a rather traumatic experience with delayed flights, no trains or buses running and an expensive taxi ride home, made all the more traumatic by the fact that I didn't want to leave.

Barcelona is amazing; it is pretty, bohemian, laid back and the people are friendly and accommodating. My friend has even decided that she wants to live there in the future. We stayed in the Barri Gòtic (the Gothic Quarter) for 4 days/3 nights. It was truly beautiful and this comes from someone who lives in Paris!

We explored the Gothic Quarter as far as Plaça Catalunya down to the sea front. The side streets were filled with people milling around outside shops, restaurants and bars. It wasn't unpleasantly busy, however, there were just enough people to still get around but enjoy the buzz. We went to La Sagrada Familia, Arc de Triomf, Jardins de la Ciudadela, Catedral de Barcelona, numerous Christmas markets and, of course, the high street.

Another (always) enjoyable experience was sampling the local foods and drinks: paella, sangria and xocolata a la tassa (hot melted chocolate in a mug). However, there was one unpleasant dining experience in the form of 'xocolata con churros.' Evidently, the 'chocolate' part was great, it was the 'churros' (deep-fried doughnut-pastry things) which made me scrunch up my face and throw away €3.50 worth of food.

All dining experiences aside, I found my new favourite spot in the world on Montjüic which is a mountain comprising a few gardens, museums, a castle and my new favourite place; a little cafe with outdoor seating and an amazing view of the city. Paired with reasonable prices, good coffee and a little sun, it was perfect.

The whole experience was, of course, enhanced by the fact that it was 10 degrees hotter than Paris and I got a break from the current end-of-year exams/essays stress. Et alors, time to stop dreaming of sangria and mountain-side cafes and get back to work...

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