Saturday 11 December 2010

Just Another Night Out in Paris...

Last night, my flat mate and I decided to go out for "a couple" of drinks, and to not make it a "late one." After four cocktails and a glass of wine later, we ended up getting home at 5am with two members of quite a famous (at the time) band, strictly for providing a place to crash and nothing else, you understand.

So we get to Le Motel at around 10pm and find a drinks menu. Unfortunately, two gentlemen had decided to set up camp in front of it so we shuffled over to take a look and due to terrible eyesight, ended up squinting at the menu for a little too long and started to annoy said gentlemen. Luckily, we found another menu.

Le Motel is one of those grimy (in a good way) indie bars. They provide indie music (of course) and soft rock, none that I recognized but good for background music. There is a funky, circular bar right in the middle of the second room and not many places to sit. Luckily we found seats. With €6,50 cocktails, you can't go wrong (this is good for Paris!)

We had no more encounters with the bar guys until much later when they came over and got chatting to us. Friendly Irish chaps who, little did we know, are/were in a pretty famous band. I'm not going to say which, instead I'll just say we had a thrilling evening...

Anyway, bar closes around 2am and we've missed the last metro; so much for "not a late one." As is usual in Paris there were no taxis anywhere near the bar, so we headed to Bastille to catch one, to no avail. We all ended up going to a cafe and I got something I haven't gotten since I left out chips! Granted they cost €7,50 but they were good chips!

After we finished chips and wine - oh so French - we headed back to our flat and provided a nice hospitable sofa. This morning (afternoon) my flat mate, being a good hostess, saw them out. A pair of forgotten gloves and a forgotten iphone later, that was it for Celebrity Encounter in Paris #2!

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