Wednesday 29 June 2011

Paris From The Sky

Since I came to Paris in September, I have seen the city from up high more times than is really necessary. So much so, that I have now come to the point where I am reluctant to part with money to see Centre Pompidou, Invalides, Panthéon and Sacré-Coeur from over 200 metres high up yet again. However, for the past couple of weeks this is exactly what I've been doing.

I have seen Paris from Tour Monparnasse, which was impressive but left me a little disappointed, perhaps due to the terrace being closed. From the Sacre-Coeur, which was interesting as you get to see a little more of northern Paris. And attempted to see the view from Paris' hot air balloon in Parc André Citroen; not a successful attempt as apparently the smallest breeze will cause them to stop the balloon rides for about two days which is really rather annoying when you have traveled from the other side of Paris to do this for your friend's last day. Lesson learned: call first.

My favourite view is still the one from Arc de Triomphe, it was high enough to see the important monuments but also not too high to still make out some details. The only disadvantage are the 284 stairs you have to climb first! I'm still yet to see the view from Notre-Dame but this also includes seeing the bells, so I'm not too reluctant to do that. And I still haven't seen a view of Paris at night....which could mean a fifth visit to the Eiffel Tower.

The View From Sacré-Coeur

From Tour Montparnasse

From Institut du Monde Arabe

From Arc de Triomphe

From Centre Pompidou

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