Wednesday 8 June 2011

I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself

After a stressful week of exams and then an emotional week of friends leaving, I'm now experiencing a week (well, two days so far) of lack of will and motivation to do much more than pop to the bakery to buy a demi-baguette.

My last two weeks at uni were not fun, consumed as they were with revision and exam worry. All of which paid off as I actually passed everything from my two semesters at a French uni (except for the two exams I missed). That stressful week was then replaced by celebrations (good) and people leaving (bad). I think I was busy every day from the Friday that I finished my last exam to the Sunday of the following week. It was a week that saw us taking the train out of Paris to visit Monet's water lily garden, taking a boat out on a lake in Bois de Boulogne and invited to brunch in a huge apartment just off the Champs Elysées.

~ Giverny ~

A fab week. And although this week started well, Hammam spa and massage then dinner for Kate's birthday, it hasn't been going too well since. And it's only Wednesday. The only things I have achieved this week are posting a parcel, buying some shampoo and catching up on some trash TV, including watching almost a whole season of The Nanny. And it's only Wednesday. I have intended to job-hunt for the last two days but it hasn't really happened. I'm feeling a little un-motivated to do so. Hopefully tomorrow will be more successful, but with going out tonight, I can already see a hangover being tomorrow's excuse.

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