Saturday 7 May 2011

Celebrity Spotting in Paris

I don't know what it is about the combination of Gina, me and the Marais that draws out the celebs, but today we had our second (major) celebrity sighting. Such a beautiful day as it was, the two of us went for tea in a little Asian-style tea room and for a walk afterwards. As we were strolling past a park, Gina suddenly piped up with: "That's Bob Geldof...and Pixie!" This time we didn't speak to them but I took some sneaky snaps.

When I sent a text to my dad to tell him, he responded: "Scruffy looking, I'll bet." Right on the mark, dad. He looked as homeless as ever, despite having an obscene amount of money and berating us mere mortals for not donating our every last penny to this charity or that. As my flatmate replied when I told him I had been celebrity spotting: "You mean uglyspotting."

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