Thursday 4 November 2010

Fashionably Late

I know I'm a bit late in starting this year abroad blog as I'll have been here for nine weeks on Saturday, however, this just means that I have so much to write about that it will be a more-interesting-than-normal first post.


Meeting Pete Doherty - he was sitting outside a cafe in the Marais district when my friends and I spotted him as we walked past; we walked on calmly until we were out of sight and then screamed like thirteen year olds. Two of us plucked up the courage to go and speak to him and managed to get a few snaps.

Carl Barat's secret gig - going with the Libertines theme, I went to see Carl Barat's warm up gig for his concert at La Cigale on Friday. All thanks to my housemate, a Burberry scarf and Twitter. Read the story here.

Living in Barbès - is like an adventure in itself, what with the drug dealers, prostitutes and security guards in KFC (the only one I have seen in Paris, by the way). A melange of fake designer goods, limbless beggars, crap cigarettes and sweetcorn barbecued on a bin in a shopping trolley means that there is never a dull moment here...


Concerning men - never have I come across such a large quantity of good looking guys in one place. One can, to quote a friend, "fall in love" everywhere; the metro, supermarket, walking down the street etc. On the other hand, never have I come across such a large quantity of forward, frankly, rude men. Some guys think nothing of proposing indecent liaisons to you in the street and then feel it is unfair when you reject them? Paris, the city of romance.

Everything takes forever to get sorted - it took me six weeks to get my bank account opened. It takes at least three weeks to receive the student metro card. Finding somewhere to live, well, it's practically impossible.

Paris is quirky - from wine served in babies bottles to the concert on a balcony, from creepy churches with illuminated piles of sand to discovering free exhibitions or concerts, Paris is always full of surprises!

There are so many more things that I wish to share but I'll just leave this as a small summary of my first nine weeks here, with many more tales to come...

A bientot!

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