Sunday 27 March 2011

"Well, my life is getting in the way of my alcoholism!"

was kate's witty response to my: "My alcoholism is getting in the way of my life!" We were joking, of course, but this weekend has been, unintentionally, an alcohol-themed one.

We started out on Thursday when a friend's mum came to visit, at Le Refuge des Fondus. Possibly the smallest restaurant in the world, no dignity is spared when you climb over the table to take your seat. At 18€ per person, it's not the cheapest meal but you pay for the novelty value; drinks in baby bottles and bottomless bread. Anyway, it was the baby bottles that saw Kate and I a little tipsy upon leaving the resto. Not really sure how that happened but no drunken antics ensued, all in all it was very civilised.

Friday night, on the other hand, was a little different. In fact, it all was bound to go downhill after someone uttered the words: "How about we play ring of fire?" Only having four players made for some interesting states just leaving the house. We went to another quirky (tiny) indie bar: L'Orange Mécanique. Despite our game of ROF and the cards being biased against our Norwegian flatmate, even though they were playing cards with Norwegian-French phrases on them, the night was going fairly well until we decided to catch the night bus home.

'Interesting' is the only word I can think of to describe taking the Noctilien that night. We caught our first night bus from Belleville to Chatelet with a group of gangsters smoking cigarettes at the back and caught our second bus from Chatelet to Chateau Rouge with a group of gangsters smoking spliff at the back. So out of it as they were, they forgot to press the button to call their stop and the driver drove past it. Reasonably (sarcasm), they shouted at the driver to stop but as he wouldn't they tried the emergency stop button. Being so stupid as they were, they couldn't work it and just had to wait for the next stop (5 minutes away from theirs). As they filed off the bus they had one last attempt at the emergency break and my astute housemate noted that "Darwinism has failed."

Not that we can claim to be any more intelligent; if you know Paris or just look at a metro map, you will see that we went all the way into the centre to come all the way back out when walking westwards would have taken half the time. Things began to look up when we saw that the local bakery was still open (at 4am?!), and began to go downhill again when we were accosted by two drunk guys also taking advantage of the still open bakery. We left with some new drug-dealers: "I sell shit you know, take my number if you need some." Needless to say, I didn't take his number as I definitely didn't ask if he sold drugs.

So we all wake up on Saturday feeling a little worse for wear and anticipate with dread the thought of our impending wine-tasting afternoon. The wine-tasting was held inside a stuffy hall where the whole world seemed to be. After tasting a good few wines, that were very nice, we began to feel the effects and decided to leave. Cue Saturday night at 23h30; an impromptu night out with my Norwegian flatmate to a French soirée. We had all sorts of expectations of something more civilised than our Ring of Fire evening. This was not the case. One girl was already pretty drunk but preceeded to carry on doing tequila shots. Needless to say, she finished up the night with her head in the toilet.

Although I didn't drink as much as the girl at the party, I'm now sitting in bed feeling sorry for myself. It's not quite the end of the weekend but I can honestly say, I hope that no more alcohol will be consumed...

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