Sunday 6 March 2011

The Curious Incident of the Pear in the Night-time

This weekend after a series of (two) strange events, I am left feeling as though I have entered some sort of Twilight Zone. Both events took place on Saturday night (or more accurately; Sunday morning), the first being the pear incident. As I was up so late I got hungry, so I decided on a healthy snack to sate my hunger. But when I reached for one of the pears in my cupboard, it felt wet and mushy. Preparing myself for a mouldy patch, I picked it up, only to find that someone had taken a bite out of it. Not a small mouse-bite; a huge human bite. Obviously I hadn't bought it like that and there was only one bite missing, so it wasn't eaten by a hungry flatmate. What's more is that it was still wet and only a little brown, suggesting that it was a recent incident. Only me and one other flatmate were in, hanging out together... Baffled.

Incident number two is the toilet book incident. I should probably explain what the toilet book is first. The toilet book is a book with blank pages, which is kept in the toilet so that people can record their toilet-time musings. We also get guests to contribute to it. So, it was a little weird when my housemate and I found strange hand-writing in it, that we didn't recognise. As I said, it was just the two of us in the flat. One flatmate hasn't wrote in it before so we guessed that one set of handwriting belonged to him as he had just got back before we saw it. But what was odd was that someone had written underneath it and it didn't match any of our penmanship.

Perhaps the old lady across the corridor has been sneaking in here, although judging by the amount of time it takes just to unlock her front door, I just don't think she is stealthy enough. Perhaps someone is playing a trick on me/us, but I just can't shake this eerie feeling...

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