Monday 21 February 2011

Food, Glorious Food!

I am guilty of a gross neglect of this blog over the past few weeks. But the truth is that I have been otherwise occupied. With what you ask? Perhaps exploring the beautiful streets and culture that Paris has to offer, travelling somewhere exotic or having a Parisian romance? Two of the three indeed being true, none of these reasons account for my extended blogging absence. In fact, the only thing to blame is: eating. I have been distracted by all of the gastronomical delights Paris has to offer and I have consumed them non-stop since my last post.

28/01: The weekend of my birthday my friends came to visit, and we had a day brimming over with culture; think the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame... But upon their leaving, the eating commenced and not even with lovely French food, but with burgers and pizza. In my defence I was hung over and already missing my friends.

04/02: This weekend my flatmate's sister came to visit her, so we sampled cakes and hot chocolate at Angelina's, ate falafel in le Marais and - and this is where it all goes wrong - Myberry. Myberry is a frozen yoghurt shop in le Marais, where you add your topping(s)of choice to a generous helping of frozen yoghurt, and it's addictive. On Sunday we went to the Chinese New Year Parade and ate Chinese food afterwards...followed by Myberry again.

12/02: On Saturday: My flatmate and I were lazy and went to le Marais again. We ate Jewish food for lunch, Myberry for desert (again!) and had coffee after. Sunday we managed to inject some culture into our lives and went to Versailles.

18/02: Friday night: Japanese food. Sunday morning: Breakfast in America; muffins, pancakes and a lot of syrup.

So, I haven't actually been eating any nice French food and with a trip to Amsterdam and Pancake Day coming up, it doesn't look likely to happen soon; at least I've not been eating typically 'British' food though, right? Anyway, what do I have to show for these weekends of gluttony? Some fond memories and an extra dress size...*

* I haven't actually gone up a dress size; I would be devastated!